Gower Park – Hamilton City Council

Sports Lighting

Powering the FIFA Women’s World Cup with Gower Park’s New Lighting

Pure collaborated with Hamilton City Council to upgrade the lighting at 19 fields across seven parks throughout Hamilton, including KoriKori, Ashurst, Gower, Flynn, Galloway, Porritt, and Enderley. Our team provided a full turn-key solution, managing every stage of the project – from initial design and planning to the final installation – offering a seamless experience for the council and the community.

At Gower Park, we upgraded the lighting for four football fields. The project presented unique challenges due to the park’s peat soil, which required additional stabilisation of the lighting poles using timber piles. The soft ground also complicated the use of heavy machinery during installation.

Gower Park’s main field was designed to achieve 300 lux for club-level football matches, with the remaining fields illuminated for training purposes. Working against a tight timeline to complete the park in time for the FIFA Women’s World Cup, we installed Legacy Invictus Floodlights on 14 poles, delivering high-quality lighting across the park.

We installed a lighting control system that allows for precise adjustments based on zoning, dimming needs, and usage patterns. This not only enhances the user experience but also contributes to energy savings and operational cost-effectiveness.

Lighting Control for Precision and Efficiency